Jordan Medas is a pastor. Jordan Medas is a bass player. Jordan Medas loves soccer. But more importantly, Jordan Medas (MEE-das) loves people and he loves to serve them — and he begins his tenure with Soccer Chaplains United poised and posed to do exactly that — to love people, especially people in soccer. Medas has recently joined Soccer Chaplains United and will be serving as chaplain to different soccer teams and communities represented in the Central Virginia region — where he and his family live, work, play, and call home. You can read more on his bio page here.
Jordan, Associate Pastor at The Lake of the Woods Church, has been serving the Young Families and newly formed Online communities of the church for the past four years, but his passion and heart for people in soccer has been an emerging point of emphasis.
Our church has a chaplaincy program and I started to look into what chaplaincy might look like for soccer and I came across Soccer Chaplains United.
Medas, on finding out about Soccer Chaplains United
A conversation in early 2019, led to Jordan and myself (Brad) looking into different opportunities and discussion what chaplaincy in soccer looked like. We also talked about the heart and mission of Soccer Chaplains United — not just to serve professional sports, but all levels of the game.

Jordan’s children have been part of the Orange Fire club team and also the area’s school teams. Part of the passion to serve people has come from meeting and being part of these teams — with a variety of moments and opportunities to be “pastoral.”
A lot of the parents know that I am a pastor already, and that has led to conversations. Sometimes they will come and ask me to pray about something. Sometimes they may come to me with a struggle that they or their child are going through. Or, sometimes we just have everybody over to the house for a game and sharing some food. All of this started to stir in me looking for a way to serve them more.
Jordan’s background includes serving in public schools for a number of years teaching music — it was during that time that he began to feel a call to full-time vocational ministry. Prior to his teaching career, he traveled and played for a number of years as bassist and writer (among other things) for the band Carbon Leaf.
I’m looking forward to serving the soccer communities in Central Virginia and partnering with Soccer Chaplains United to offer the kind of care that is specific to the soccer players and their families.
Jordan, on his hopes for the future
We want to encourage our supporters to be praying for Jordan and the various opportunities that exist and will continue to arise in Central Virginia.
Jordan joining Soccer Chaplains United, brings the ministry’s chaplain corps back up to 17 chaplains. Jordan will serve in the Central Virginia region as a chaplain at-large for a number of different informal chaplain opportunities amongst various teams and organizations.
Soccer Chaplains United is non-profit, 501(c)3 and depends upon the financial support of our partners to carry out our work of developing chaplaincy across all levels of soccer. Please consider making a contribution today to help us continue growing our work.