Last May, CrossTraining’s Timothy Project had a local/no-so-local request from a pastor in Leoti, KS. Connected through the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, CrossTraining got different soccer supplies for Pastor Stephen Morefield and Christ Covenant EPC in the small, farming-community of Leoti, KS. Pastor Morefield sent this latest update to CrossTraining as the spring soccer season in Leoti is underway.
Greetings from Western Kansas! The spring soccer season is off to a fast start here! While almost every other sports program in our county is struggling to find enough kids to field a single team we had over 100 kids come out for soccer, many of which come from under-resourced families. Currently, three local pastors are volunteering as coaches in the program and one local church is sponsoring a team. While that is a blessing, resources are scarce. Last season we often shared a practice field with as many as 7 teams at a time and often had no goals, cones, and only one or two balls to use for practice.
Here is part of the team that Pastor Morefield coaches at the end of our first practice. Half the team is playing soccer for the first time this season!
However, thanks to CrossTraining’s generous support we are much better equipped to provide good instruction and training to the children this year. Thanks to cones provided we can divide up our practice field to help create order. Thanks to the balls we can let each child on our team have more individual skill training time. Thanks to the soccer trainer nets each child on our team can practice at home. Thanks to the pop-up goals we can scrimmage every week without chasing shots. Thanks to the pennys each child can identify their team during our scrimmages and thanks to the water bottles our children no longer have an excuse to not stay hydrated during practice! In addition to all of this, the gospel-saturated soccer DVD’s provided by CrossTraining will be an excellent gift to give to the children at the end of the season and hopefully a way to reinforce the love, care, and hope the coaches have shared with them during the season.
We cannot say thank you enough for enabling us to minister to these children in more effective and helpful ways while teaching them the sport that draws this community together!
With thanks,
Pastor Stephen Morefield
Christ Covenant Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Leoti, KS
If you would like to make a contribution to help with more projects like Leoti please note (Timothy Project) in your online donation. Please use the Donate Now link to make a secure PayPal donation. Your financial gift will helps to purchase soccer equipment, bibles, DVD’s and other ministry tools to be used locally and globally.