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  • man praying in a bowed posture

    Today marks the first day of Ramadan. Ramadan is a month-long fast observed by Muslim people. It can last 29 or 30 days (dependent upon lunar calendar) and during this time, adherents of Islam abstain from food, drink, sexual intercourse, and smoking from dawn to dusk. They are also to abstain from evil intentions and actions in a way that is to promote "a life of complete submission to the will of Allah."1 In certain parts of the world, the fast of Ramadan can be difficult for those in football (soccer) to undertake especially here in the U.S. when our soccer leagues are just beginning. Sometimes the fast occurs in the middle of summer — especially difficult in places like Colorado,

  • Next week, the Swedish leagues (Allsvenskan, Superettan, etc.) kick off next week with the women's league (Damallsvenskan) beginning the week after. With the global nature of the game of football (soccer) there have been many athletes and coaches who have played both in the United States and Sweden — and in honor of the season start, Mattias Ottestig joins me on the podcast today to share a little about his story as a footballer in Sweden and the ministry and work that he is part of today, known as KRIK. KRIK stands for Kristen Idrottskontakt or Christian Sports Contact is a youth organization that seeks to create and combine the joy in sports, the joy in the Christian faith and

  • I am excited that my podcast time and interview with Drs Brian Bolt and Chad Carlson will air this next week on the Sport.Faith.Life podcast. You can catch the podcast and companion blog here. Podcast will drop this Wednesday. You can use the link above for the website or look for them on Apple Podcasts. Brian is Professor, Dean of Education, and the Men's Head Golf Coach at Calvin University. Chad is Associate Professor of Kinesiology and Director of General Education at Hope College. These two schools located in Grand Rapids, MI are rival schools but have enjoyed coming together at the crossroad of faith and sport. In 2019, I had the privilege of meeting and spending some time with

  • Tonight at 7:00 pm Central, Rev Isidro Piña, volunteer chaplain to the Rio Grande Valley Toros FC of the United Soccer League — Championship division, will be leading a bilingual (Spanish and English) service with his church El Buen Pastor (United Methodist) which will air on Facebook Live. Click the link here to watch and participate in the service. El Buen Pastor is located in Edinburg, Texas and Rev Isidro has been serving RGV Toros FC since 2018.

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    Soccer Chaplains United has three different offerings during Holy Week for 2021.   Spy Wednesday — Betrayal | This week's From the Touchline podcast with Rev Brad Kenney looks at betrayal in football and in the life of Jesus. Click here to listen.  Maundy Thursday | Join Soccer Chaplains United with Rev Billy Cerveny, Rev Brad Kenney and and some special guests as we look at Jesus' foot-washing example from a unique angle and also celebrate Communion, or The Lord's Supper, virtually.  This virtual experience (approx. 20 min) is on our YouTube channel or on our website.  Good Friday | Join Soccer Chaplains United with Chaplain Ben Dudley, Rev Brad Kenney and a special short-feature video designed to help you reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus. This virtual experience (approx. 10 min) begins Friday at 12

  • From the Touchline

    Today is known as Spy Wednesday. Coming in the middle of Holy Week, we are just days away from Easter, but tonight is the night when, according to the biblical account, Judas agreed to betray Jesus and disclose the disciple's location so that the religious leaders could arrest Jesus. 30 pieces of silver. That was the price, that was the blood money that Judas took — the equivalent of paying off the life of a slave. On today's From the Touchline podcast, we look at Judas' betrayal and betrayal moments that happen in football. If you have been around professional football for a length of time, it's likely you have experienced some form of betrayal — whether as an athlete,