Erin Burmeister Steps Down
Erin Burmeister has faithfully served Soccer Chaplains United for the past couple of years as the inaugural Community Coordinator in the Denver area. This past month she announced that she would be stepping down to devote more time to other volunteer and ministry work.
My greatest joy during the past few years was, and still is, to see God blessing this ministry with outstanding growth.
Erin Burmeister
Erin was instrumental in a number of ways. First, she helped bring some much needed support and organization for what was then known as the Timothy Project. Secondly, she helped work through the new nuances of the community coordination position — a new endeavor at the time. She also was part of the branding and relaunch party in late 2017. Some of her greatest contributions were in her writing and in her critical thinking applied toward the Timothy/Community project sphere.
For me, I have been blessed to call Erin a friend and to work with her. She has been tremendous in helping see Soccer Chaplains United get better in our community initiatives. I know that her talents will continue to bless others and ministries that are part of God’s Kingdom. Probably, my favorite memory will always be the first time she saw all the boxes of soccer gear. She called a friend up to help her and to help get her mind around all of it. It was certainly overwhelming, but she came back to me and said, “We’ve got to move inventory!”
Soccer Chaplains United is always looking to grow and add chaplains, counselors, and coordinators to its group to serve all levels of soccer. If you or someone you know might be an interested and qualified candidate, please email us at