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From the Touchline Now on Amazon Music | Podcasts

For the past couple of years, in the light of shutdowns and in-person restrictions, one area of Soccer Chaplains United that has grown has been our weekly podcast series. Entitled, From the Touchline, the podcast has been a mix of different types of listening — from interviews with guests to (my favorite) a series based on the hit TV show Ted Lasso.

Beginning in 2018, we started to podcast the show with the idea that (as a chaplain) we are standing on the “touchlines” — the sidelines of the game of soccer. The role and work that we have is about cheering and encouraging and even shouting out coaching and instruction — not about the game, but about faith and about life. For the past four years, you’ve heard me (Rev Brad) and various guests “coming to you, From the Touchline” as the show’s tagline suggests.

Well, we are excited to see the podcast now on another outlet — in addition to Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher and others, we’ve added the podcast now to Amazon Musics Podcast list and we will continue to evaluate and hopefully grow into other music and podcast outlets as time and demand allow.

Thank you for listening, thank you, too for taking a moment to comment or rate the podcast — this really helps us grow our audience.

Soccer Chaplains United is non-profit, 501(c)3 and depends upon the financial support of our partners to carry out our work of developing chaplaincy across all levels of soccer. Please consider making a contribution today to help us continue growing our chaplains and our work — simply hit the donate or PushPay button to make a one-time or recurring gift.