Jerseys in Juarez
Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church’s 2019 mission trip to Juarez was a strengthening, encouraging and fun-filled time of ministry. Jacob Smith, a team member reports back on the trip:
The first full day we were there, we went to the park where we spent the afternoon playing a fantastic soccer game with the local people. During the game, we passed out the jerseys and some soccer balls that were generously donated to us through Soccer Chaplains United’s Community Project program.

It wasn’t just the kids that rushed forward to have a jersey, but the men and women were thrilled to have one too.
Jacob Smith, Mission Team Member to Juarez
The jerseys and gear helped us bond with the local people and church over the common sport of soccer. It was a wonderful beginning to our week of ministry together. Thank you!!

When you support Soccer Chaplains United a portion of your gift automatically goes to help our community projects and requests. You can give specifically to help cover our costs by making a gift through PushPay — simply select Community from the selectable funds. Your financial gift helps us purchase new soccer equipment, sponsor individuals or organizations, and to cover associated costs of providing Bibles, soccer equipment, and other outreach tools locally and around the world!