Kaufman Has to Step Down
Unfortunately, Matt Kaufman, who joined the Soccer Chaplains United Board of Directors earlier this year in May, has announced that he must step down from the board. As principal of Milliman Financial Risk Management LLC, certain stipulations prevent the holding of a position or participation on a board of directors.
Matt expressed his feelings of having to step down,
I really wish that I could have been a part of the Board of Directors for Soccer Chaplains United, but I look forward to being involved in other ways and encouraging you and the others in the growth of the organization as a supporter and networker.
Matt Kaufman
We are sad to see Matt leave the Board of Directors, but it’s with mutual understanding and we look forward to what else God may have in store.
Matt’s departure creates a vacancy that we will look to fill in the coming months.
If you would like to learn more about Soccer Chaplains United and opportunities to serve on our Board of Directors, please send an email to info@soccerchaplainsunited.org.
Soccer Chaplains United is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that relies on the generous support of individual donors and church partners to carry out its work of chaplaincy and counseling in soccer.
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