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2021 Soccer Chaplains United Annual Report

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2021 saw the continuation, in many ways, of the challenges that came to be nearly normalized in 2020 — for non-profits and for soccer, alike.

For the most part, Soccer Chaplains United maintained in the midst of challenging times, and as 2022 begins, we feel poised to step into further and greater opportunities as the sport continues to grow in North America and beyond.

The Soccer Chaplains United Annual Report 2021 reviews the work of the ministry over the course of the past year.

You can view the annual report like a booklet by utilizing the link below.

Soccer Chaplains United is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that relies on the generous support of individual donors and church partners to carry out its work of chaplaincy in soccer.

You can give a safe, secure, electronic, tax-deductible gift via PushPay by clicking the button below or by texting soccerchaplains to 77977. You can also mail a donation to Soccer Chaplains United, PO Box 102081, Denver, CO 80250.

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