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  • I am excited to be joining my friends at AM 910 around the breakfast table next Friday morning, September 7, at 7:00 am Mountain. AM 910 can be heard online — just click on the Listen On Line link. The morning crew is always a fun group to hang out with and share about the ministry and I look forward to connecting with them again. It's been a long time since I visited with Roy, Denise, and Gordy and September 7 is just a couple days shy of our 1 year anniversary as Soccer Chaplains United. We will have a lot to talk about! If you're able to join us and listen in, you can tune into AM 910 if

  • Our friends from Valor Christian High School and Momentum Global went to India earlier this year and requested soccer gear from Soccer Chaplains United.The trip which featured some students and teachers from Valor were visiting a Valor alumnus in effort to build out a more sustainable soccer program to reach out to the community and make a lasting impact. Momentum FC wants to thank you for the generous gifts that were donated...We thank you for the amazing jerseys and soccer balls that [you] provided, which has been a great blessing to the club. Click the link below for a pdf version of their message to us and see what Momentum is about and how the donations made an impact. Momentum

  • Meet Nicholas Runyan. Runyan is the latest addition to the Soccer Chaplains United counseling network. He works at Mental Health Center of Denver and operates a private practice in Littleton, Colorado called Aim & Action Counseling Services. He becomes the third counselor on the team and is part of the growing desire to see the establishment of a network of counselors that are cognizant of sport-specific needs and issues for the athletes and their families of the teams that are being served. Runyan, has an MA in Counseling and specializes in working with adults and adolescents on issues like anxiety, depression or low motivation, spiritual growth, addiction, family dynamics, and life transitions. We live in a world that caters to our

  • It's my pleasure to introduce Rubèn Rodríguez as the latest member of Soccer Chaplains United. Ruben will serve as a chaplain serving on the team working with the Colorado Rapids with the specific aim of serving the athletes and families within the Rapids Development Academy. The DA for the Rapids has approximately 115 athletes and families represented for the 2018-2019 season. Rubèn came and assisted as a facilitator last year during one of the life skill sessions that Soccer Chaplains United chaplains and counselors helped facilitate for the DA. One of the first things that I noticed about Rubèn was his ability to grab and retain the young boys attention as we talked about some important character issues. This, coupled

  • Well, the boys in the Development Academy (DA) began training in early August and this weekend marks the start of their season which goes through the end of June 2019. For those unfamiliar with the DA, it is an initiative from US Soccer which aims to build elite soccer players by creating a professional environment amongst youth clubs. The DA began in 2007 and has a philosophy of increasing the amount of training, playing less games, but making those games more meaningful by utilizing international rules and standards. Last fall, the DA expanded to create an academy system on the girl's side of the game as well. You can learn more about the DA here. There is a fair amount

  • School is back in session! And in Colorado, this means that chaplaincy takes on a bit of a different vein through high school. For me, 2018 marks the sixth consecutive season of working with the Boys Soccer Program at Valor Christian High School. This year, again, I will serve as chaplain for the Varsity Boys Soccer Team. Valor is one of the top private schools in Colorado and perhaps the country with an emphasis on college-preparatory level work and excellence in all things from academics, arts, athletics, and more. Chaplaincy at Valor, though, is different from chaplaincy amongst professional soccer. Some of the unique aspects of working with the Valor community include, first, the Christian environment and values that Valor