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The team from partner church, Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church, returned from Kampala, Uganda and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in July. The team of 19 students and leaders returned with some great stories and pictures of their time in these two African countries. 

While the team was in Uganda, they ministered with Youth for Christ (YFC). Youth for Christ has recently moved from the capital city of Kampala to the city of Matugga. On their new property, they have a soccer field where they hold community soccer games. On one of the days the CCPC team were there, YFC invited kids from the community and nearby schools to come play soccer in their field. Members of the CCPC team went down to the field to meet the kids. After meeting the people who came, they had the opportunity to give their new friends the gift of Rapids jerseys. They continued to grow their relationships with the people who came by playing two soccer games. 

The boys of Uganda pose with some new soccer gear from Soccer Chaplains United and the Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church team from this past summer.

After the games were finished, the team gathered and sat on the field. One of the YFC staff members and Chris Piehl, the CCPC youth pastor, shared the Gospel and gave people the opportunity to put their faith in Christ. Slowly, two of the boys raised their hands. Pastor Chris led them in a prayer to accept Christ into their lives. He also gave them each a Bible that the team had brought.

One moment that stood out to the team happened as they were driving back to the guest house. After loading onto the bus, and driving away, the team noticed that one of the boys with a Bible was excitedly reading his Bible as he walked away from the field with a group of boys. 

We are grateful for the ways our ministry was expanded by the opportunity to give people Rapids jerseys. Giving away the jerseys was a way for us to show the community in Matugga our love for them, and point them to the love of Christ. As the people who came to play soccer with us continue to wear their jerseys, their jerseys serve as a constant reminder of our enjoyable time with them and the message of Christ’s infinite love for them

Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church Trip Participant

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*A CCPC team member contributed the content for this article; it has been edited and formatted for use here by Soccer Chaplains United.