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Five Women You Meet in Faith and Football — Tamar

We are celebrating the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup being co-hosted by Australia and New Zeland. For the next five weeks, the podcast will feature a devotional reading from Soccer Chaplains United’s new devotional book, Five Women You Meet in Faith and Football. This five-week, daily devotional looks at the lives of five women who appear in Jesus’ lineage — Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary.

This week, we look at Tamar. And, specifically, we look at the side of her that displayed a brilliant tactician (Day 3). Have you ever thought about how crafty Tamar needed to be in order to see justice happen? Well, that’s just part of our consideration for today’s podcast. Listen to hear and reflect more.

Click here to get a copy of Five Women You Meet In Faith and Football.

From the Touchline is a short-feature (usually 10-15 min) podcast with Rev Brad Kenney, Founder and Executive Director of Soccer Chaplains United and Volunteer Chaplain to the Colorado Rapids of Major League Soccer.

Rev Brad and occasional guests touch on various issues around the topics of faith, family, and football (soccer).

Also, don’t forget that you can listen in our app, SoccrChapUtd, in the Apple and Google store.