Garber Leaves Soccer Chaplains United But Will Continue To Serve Thorns
Christina Garber has faithfully served the Portland Thorns since 2019 as volunteer chaplain and will continue to do so but not under the banner of Soccer Chaplains United, any longer. As Christina and I have spoken over the last few weeks, a greater need to “simplify life” has become an emerging theme. Wife to Andy, (who is a Tottenham fan) and mother to three wonderful children, Christina has also supported the Portland Thorns through a NWSL championship season (2022) as volunteer chaplain all the while maintaining full-time work with CRU City and helping the development of the Pro Soccer Chaplains Association. In truth, it has all become a bit too much.
Christina will continue to serve the Thorns and step back from some other engagement places in addition to her membership with Soccer Chaplains United, but the door remains open for her return someday should she elect to consider us again. Her accountability and association will now rest with CRU City.
On behalf of the team and board of Soccer Chaplains United, we wish Christina well in her family life and professional endeavors as she continues to steward the position as volunteer chaplain to the Thorns and the other places where God calls her to serve and be.