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Longtime Niger Missionaries in Longview Request Gear for Benin

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Lucia Eberle is half French and half Greek. She met her husband in Niger, West Africa where they served with SIM for over 25 years. Lucia and her husband (Scott) now reside in Longview, Texas and are part of Longview EPC church. Scott Eberle teaches mathematics at LeTourneau University and Lucia has been traveling back to West Africa as she continues to minister with the Dorcas Widows project in Niger, Benin and Burkina Faso.

Last year, in February, Lucia visited Parakou, Benin and met a béninois, Dorothé, working in the treasury at SIM. Dorothé (pictured below) coaches’ teams of soccer with the aim to share the gospel amongst the young men that are passionate about the sport. He shared with Lucia this ministry and how he wants to develop it more when he retires and the needs associated for his team.

Lucia recently asked Rev Jason Hubbard if he knew of any soccer ministries where they could get gear to take back to Benin and help with this soccer outreach. Immediately, Jason thought of me (Brad Kenney) and Soccer Chaplains United. While the connection and communication has flown fast and furious the last few days, there is an amazing, God-sized window open to help get soccer gear to Beninois coach as Lucia and her mother are traveling back to Benin in a couple of weeks.

As Lucia goes back to minister to widows, she is excited to be able to bring gear to this Beninois coach with a great passion to serve Christ through soccer. He recently started a soccer team with younger boys and his dream is also to start a women’s team. His hope is to minister to the needs of the youth in Parakou through sports and the Gospel.

My upcoming trip to Presbytery of the West meetings in Phoenix will see us able to hand off the gear to Rev Doug Ashley to take back with him to Longview. Lucia has, specifically, requested the following:

  • approx. 35-50 sets of soccer shirts and shorts
  • 2 sets of goalkeeper gear

Remember, when you support Soccer Chaplains United, a portion of your gift automatically goes to help our community projects and requests. You can give specifically to help cover our costs by making a gift through PushPay — simply select Community from the selectable funds. Your financial gift helps us purchase new soccer equipment, sponsor individuals or organizations, and cover associated costs of providing Bibles, soccer equipment, and other outreach tools locally and around the world!