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Pastor “Cali” in Cali Joins Up


Growing up in Mexico City, Mexico, Carlos “Cali” Alejandro grew up as a preacher’s kid. He loved sports. Especially soccer, fútbol. He earned a BA in Business Administration while in Mexico before moving to the U.S. While here, he felt the call of God to begin serving in ministry. The call God put on his heart led to him enrolling in the IBR Bible Institute and seeking ordination in the Church of God.

Carlos is the Lead Pastor at Venture Christian Church for the Spanish congregation that gathers at the church in Los Gatos, CA a role that he has had since 2011. His background also includes time serving as a youth and missions pastor in the Assemblies of God denomination. Carlos also owns and manages an electrician company that works in the Bay Area. He comes to Soccer Chaplains United already in place and serving as chaplain to Major League Soccer’s San Jose Earthquakes, a role that he started in 2019.

In our work with people in sports, we simply try not to make the players exclusive people, we really work to integrate them into the church so that they can be connecting with a spiritual family and the can develop their spiritual, God-given gifts during the time that they are in a particular city or with our team. When they leave, they are equipped for wherever God takes them on their journey.

Carlos, on the aim of connecting people in sports to the local church family

In addition to serving the San Jose Earthquakes, Carlos also serves the Oakland A’s and San Francisco Giants of Major League Baseball, as a chaplain. He conducts short chapel services on Saturdays for the home team when they are in town.

Seeing professional players grow spiritually has been something that God place on my heart some years ago…He has allowed me, together with my wife to help various families involved in sports, to shepherd them, guide them. It, truly, has been a blessing for our lives.

Carlos, on the privilege of serving as a sports chaplain

The transfer of Carlos brings Soccer Chaplains United’s chaplain corps to 23 and adds a 4th MLS team being served. Carlos is also seeking support for his ongoing work with the San Jose Earthquakes through Soccer Chaplains United — to contribute toward his work and ministry expenses, please select “San Jose” from the selectable funds on PushPay.

Soccer Chaplains United is non-profit, 501(c)3 and depends upon the financial support of our partners to carry out our work of developing chaplaincy across all levels of soccer. Please consider making a contribution today to help us continue growing our work. Our chaplains are not employed or paid by any of the clubs that we serve. Check out our Donation Page with all the different options. Or, simply click the PushPay link below to make a secure, online, tax-deductible gift, or mail a donation to Soccer Chaplains United, PO Box 102081, Denver, CO 80250.