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Serving Sterling

Back in February of this year, I had the privilege of meeting Reverend Parker Smith. As an alum and emissary for Sterling College (KS), Parker was manning a table at the Presbytery of the West regional gathering in Leoti, KS. When the Soccer Chaplains United video played, Rev Parker approached and we discovered some mutual connections within the local soccer scene in Colorado. A follow up coffee back in Denver, and Parker was able to share about Sterling College a Christian institution of higher learning with whom the Evangelical Presbyterian Church has some association and connection.

As we talked more about soccer, the subject of possibly finding and placing a chaplain with the soccer programs at Sterling continued to be part of our conversation. During the EPC General Assembly in June, I was able to steal away for a local Sterling College gathering of area alumni. It was here that I met Scott Downing, Vice President for Athletics, and Justin Morris, Director of Athletic Operations, for Sterling College. Justin had just stepped down from coaching the women’s soccer program into his new role. I shared more about Soccer Chaplains United and offered to submit a short proposal on how we might be able to help find and support a chaplain.

Please pray for Sterling College and our work to develop chaplaincy with Sterling College. Pray that our recent proposal will be well received and that we will be able to find some suitable candidates for consideration to serve the men’s and women’s programs at Sterling College.

And as always, we would love to have you join our support team. Soccer Chaplains United is non-profit, 501(c)3. Our chaplains all volutneer with the teams and communities that they serve. We are dependent upon the financial support of our partners to carry out our work of developing chaplaincy, counseling, and community service across all levels of soccer. If you, your church, business, or foundation would like to support our work please consider making a contribution today or reaching out for more information to us at

Click the PushPay logo below or text soccerchaplains to 77977 to make a secure electronic donation. You can also mail a donation to Soccer Chaplains United, PO Box 102081 Denver, CO 80250.

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