Soccer Chaplains United Code of Conduct

All chaplains affiliated with Soccer Chaplains United are required to sign and adhere to the following Code of Conduct.

Section 1: Code of Ethics

A. Ethical Standards for Soccer Chaplains United

SCU shall:

  1. Promote integrity and respect for the dignity and competent care of all persons among its staff.
  2. Work toward improvement and growth in chaplaincy provisions according to its organizational mandate.
  3. Provide structures and resources to maintain and promote SCU’s standards and values.
  4. Follow its policies and processes in holding itself and its staff accountable to its standards for competent and ethical behavior.

B. Ethical Standards For Chaplains

  1. Faith Position
    • Are committed Christians who affirm the SCU Statement of Faith and the doctrine held by their church/denomination.
    • Maintain an active relationship and good standing within the Christian faith community in which they are ordained, commissioned, licensed, endorsed, and/or are a member.
  2. Personal Standards
    • Hold high personal standards of honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, interpersonal relationships, work ethic and other such character qualities so as to maintain good standing within the soccer communities they serve.
    • Practice self-awareness and appropriate self-care in physical, spiritual, and emotional aspects.
  3. Practice Standards
    1. Privacy and Human Dignity
      • Treat all persons with dignity and respect.
      • Hold all private and confidential information in strict confidence as is appropriate in a clergy relationship and in accordance with local and national governing laws.
      • Refrain from relating experiences that expose the vulnerabilities of those served to derision or ridicule. 
      • Protect the privacy of individuals from those seeking to take advantage of their story, position, or privilege.
      • Serve all persons without discrimination regardless of cultural, language, social, economic, gender, sexual orientation, ability or disability, and spiritual/religious differences.
    2. Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care
      • Functions from a pastoral care framework in the praxis of care offered as a chaplain.
      • Affirms the religious and spiritual freedom of all persons, refraining from proselytizing, imposing doctrinal positions or spiritual/religious practices on persons whom they encounter in their roles as chaplains.
      • Advocate for and available to serve all within one’s scope of care.
      • Provides effective pastoral support to athletes, coaches, staff, alumni, fans, and their families.
      • Provides or refers appropriate religious/spiritual resources for all persons within scope of care.
      • Develops, coordinates, and facilitates appropriate religious/spiritual education, worship and formation moments as is acceptable to the organization and in keeping with one’s Christian tradition.
      • Demonstrates sound biblical theology.
      • Encourages and facilitates theological and pastoral reflection amongst colleagues and peers.
    3. Representation
      • Accurately represents their qualifications and affiliations. Maintains awareness of personal or professional limitations and makes appropriate referrals when necessary.
      • Maintains the integrity of the pastoral relationship. Does not use their position for personal or professional gain.
    4. Qualifications, Training, and Development
      • Completion (or candidate) of a Master’s-level theological degree (MDiv or MA) or has an acceptable educational equivalency from Soccer Chaplains United.
      • Committed to ongoing growth and development in theology, pastoral care, and other areas to enhance their expertise.
      • Adherence to the standards expressed in SCU’s criteria and ongoing education requirements.

Section 2: Standards of Conduct

  1. Personal Conduct:
    • Maintain the appropriate ethical standards as expressed in SCU’s Ethical Standards.
    • Maintain appropriate requirements and standards for their particular role within SCU.
    • Safeguard role neutrality by avoiding partiality towards a particular group or taking sides in disputes or negotiations. 
    • Maintain accurate and current records, financial accounts, or other documents required in the course of their work.
    • Professional in appearance and practice; operating in established and proscribed organizational and SCU boundaries.
    • Timely, clear, and sensitive in communications — orally, and in all written and electronic forms.
  2. Conduct with Soccer Teams, Organizations, and Official Entities:
    • Seek their team, organization, or entity’s guidance and clearance as to appropriate boundaries for their role.
    • Respect and observe all appropriate organizational or league rules and regulations governing employees and volunteers.
    • Are personally accountable for their conduct to a team, organization, and official governing authority.
    • Are to avoid being critical of their team’s, organization’s, or entity’s administration or practices.
    • When offered, graciously receive passes, apparel and/or benefits, avoiding undue requests for additional privileges for others.
  3. Conduct with Individuals within Soccer Teams, Organizations, and Official Entities:
    • Maintain the highest standards of competence and integrity in chaplaincy service and care. 
    • Exercise thoughtfulness and discretion in matters of confidentiality, privacy and respect.  
    • Actively seek to learn about the culture, faith, practices and belief systems within the community. 
    • Provide pastoral care, mental health, and community support for their soccer community when appropriate.
    • Under no circumstances give out names or details of any soccer person’s personal faith story until that person themself makes it public, or so gives permission.
  4. Relationship with SCU:
    • Keep their SCU membership and accreditation current by the payment of fees and compliance with the Code of Conduct.
    • Speak well of SCU and its members and stay connected to SCU leadership.
    • Seek advice from SCU board and staff on any new initiative in relation to their chaplaincy work.
    • Seek to advance, develop, and grow chaplaincy opportunities for SCU, as appropriate.
    • Take responsible action, by notifying SCU, when they become aware that they themselves or another staff member is impaired, compromised or otherwise unable to maintain SCU’s Code of Conduct or are aware of a complaint of unethical, illegal, or immoral conduct being made against them. 
    • Immediately contact SCU concerning any media opportunities that may be considered controversial in nature, or are directly related to the ministry of SCU, its members or its operations.  Chaplains are strongly advised to refrain from commenting to media or in audio or video recorded settings without prior approval of the Executive Director.
    • Seek to attend official SCU gatherings and annual meetings or sponsored conferences.
    • Engage with other SCU chaplains, with other organization’s soccer chaplains, and ministry colleagues (both local and abroad) for personal and professional growth and enrichment.

Section 3: SCU Statement of Faith

SCU is committed to the truths of Christianity as expressed in the Nicene Creed:

We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.

Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end. And we believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets. And we believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; and we look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.