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From the Rev: Life and Death

A friend recently lost his job. Terminated without any warning, he expressed shock and dismay when the company that he had worked for over 8 years told him, “We’re going in a different direction.” Box in hand, he cleared out his desk and made his way home – bewildered and confused while coworkers looked on. Whilst we don’t often consider it in this way – a death had occurred. Relationships, pay, significance, identity, and much more all were “killed” in that particular moment for my friend and he had to cope with a great sense of loss that was compounded by the whole thing being confusing and unforeseen.

Losses like this are commonplace in life and also in professional sport – being traded or cut, a career-ending injury, or a personal trauma all represent a type of “death” that one can experience in the course of one’s professional career. In the midst of the dying process, as human beings, we search for redemptive and hope-filled moments – we await the next offer or opportunity, we hope for change or something different to come along.

When that new thing does come along it is almost like experiencing a “resurrection” of the soul. The sun shines clearer, we can see purpose in our situation, we are filled with a new found sense of hope. This Easter Sunday, as Christians, we reflect on the Ultimate Death and Life in Jesus Christ. The brutality of Friday’s crucifixion and the death – of Christ, and seemingly of so many others things (relationships, hopes and dreams) that occurred was heavy. Perhaps the heaviest time ever in the span of history, but Sunday was coming.

Friday’s death and darkness was blown away by Sunday morning’s victorious discovery: that Jesus was, indeed, alive again. In fact, Jesus revealed that man (who had been dead since the Garden) could now have life again. The weight of the world was lifted in one fell swoop.

No matter where you are right now – whether approaching a seeming death, in the throes of pain and suffering, or just plain “dead” – you can have life again. Cry out to God – he has not abandoned you or I. He has the power to raise dead things to new life again. And he will do it – for you and for me.

Last week, the same friend that lost his job, made a connection with another member at my church. Knowing that they were in similar fields I introduced them through LinkedIn and they met at church. A few interviews later and my friend called me to say he received a job offer that he was intending to accept. It wasn’t three days of waiting (it had been three weeks – though) but he and his family are experiencing life again. To the glory of God.


Rev. Brad Kenney

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