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Is the Off-season the Giving Season?

The next few weeks equate to the off-season for most of soccer here in the United States. And with the off-season come a number of opportunities to contribute and help Soccer Chaplains United.

Next Tuesday, November 30, is Giving Tuesday, a national day set aside to make gifts and contributions that are vital for non-profits as we approach the end of the calendar year. Started in 2012, Giving Tuesday began in New York City at the 92nd Street YMCA. It has grown into an independent and global movement to inspire generosity.

Just one week, later, Tuesday, December 7 is Colorado Gives Day — this state-specific day of philanthropy which began in 2007, sees thousands of Colorado-based non-profits promoted and highlighted for the work being done in the community.

Whether you consider giving a gift on either Giving Tuesday or Colorado Gives Day, on behalf of myself and Soccer Chaplains United, we would be tremendously grateful to see you join our team and supporting our work and our mission of developing and supporting chaplaincy in soccer.

Why chaplaincy in soccer?

Soccer is the world’s game. As such, we see many people in the United States and around the world playing this sport. Sports culture nowadays typically conflicts with church and faith community times of gathering and worship. And in many ways, the virtues of sport are often blurred in the pursuit of achieving different things through soccer — whether providing for one’s family, or getting a scholarship to college, or another benefit from playing the game. Healthy relationships, strong mentality and spirituality are often at greatest risk. Professional athletes travel, train, and play on days typically reserved for church. Nowadays more and more families are found on sidelines of fields and stadiums than are found in the familiar seats of a church.

Chaplaincy places the presence of God in and among these environments. Chaplaincy in soccer allows a person be the hands and feet of Jesus to people that may never attend or walk through the doors of a place of faith and worship. Chaplaincy in soccer helps advocate for the individual — to be cognizant of their need for a strong faith and relationship with God and with others, to be aware of their own human frailty, to be present in the times when the reality of these things come crashing in.

Where does the money go?

Soccer Chaplains United currently has 17 volunteer chaplains. Our three-year average of donations for Soccer Chaplains United breaks down to around 73% for program costs in a given year — this includes servicing our Community Outreach projects, providing chaplain training, development, and support, as well as direct chaplaincy service to teams. 8% of donations go toward the costs of fundraising and the remainder (19%) pays for the administrative costs associated with carrying out our mission.

1 us dollar bill
$.73 of every dollar goes towards chaplaincy programs, $.18 provides our administrative costs, while $.08 is directed toward fundraising

What is the best way to give?

Not all giving forms are created equal. Some are more convenient for the donor but typically mean more transactional fees which reduce the overall gift. Below are some of the associated fees and forms of giving.

  • Personal check by mail incurs 0% transaction fees: Soccer Chaplains United, PO Box 102081, Denver, CO 80250
  • Facebook Giving incurs 0% transaction fees, but monies may take a month or longer to be disbursed.
  • ACH (checking or savings withdrawal) via PushPay incurs a 1% transaction fee
  • Debit card via PushPay incurs a 2% transaction fee
  • Colorado Gives, and credit card giving through PushPay incurs a 3% transactional fee

How much is needed?

This year, in the next few weeks, Soccer Chaplains United needs to raise a little over $25,000 in giving to close out the year. In addition to a number of major gifts, we are in need of monthly supporters to come alongside of our chaplains and support the work.

More Information

If you are interested to learn more about the ministry or have more questions about our work, please reach out to get a call with our Founder and Executive Director, Rev Brad Kenney. E-mail us at

Soccer Chaplains United is non-profit, 501(c)3 and depends upon the financial support of our partners to carry out our work of developing chaplaincy across all levels of soccer. Please consider making a contribution today to help us continue growing our work. You can text soccerchaplains to (833) 245-5091 to link through your mobile device or simply click the PushPay Logo on the bottom of the page below.