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Missionary Athletes International Seeks New CEO

Friends in the soccer ministry community, just passing along an opportunity, here. Please see below:

Missionary Athletes International has just launched a search for a new Chief Executive Officer. MAI focuses on youth and adults under the age of  25 using soccer teams to influence people for Christ and see God transform lives.  More than 30,000 lives in fifteen global locations have been impacted in the last two years through teams, camps, international ministry tours and coaches training.
The successful candidate will be an experienced, mature, inspiring and trustworthy leader. He will possess exceptional personal integrity, a servant attitude, an international perspective and a personal and leadership style worth emulating. He will have proven experience managing an organization of a similar size and financial condition. Experience in a non-profit, Christian organization is preferred but not essential. A soccer background is also preferred but not required.
Being familiar with your passion for soccer which I share as a former professional, we would welcome your partnership with us in seeking those who may be interested in this role.  Please feel free to pass this information on or refer people directly to us.  More information is available in the Opportunity Profile attached.
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