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Seasons of Change

What does seasonal change look like where you live? Or, better yet, what change are you currently going through?

In this edition of From the Touchline, Rev Brad reflects on his younger days and how God brought about change in his heart — from wanting to attend West Point Military Academy to becoming a pastor — the season of change that God wrought is the result of praying a particular way in the midst of much life change. 

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From the Touchline is a short-feature (10 min) podcast with Rev Brad Kenney and occasional guests touching on various issues around faith, family, and football.

Check out the Soccer Chaplains United App and go to the Media section. Under podcasts you will see a new podcast for 9/25/2019 entitled “Seasons of Change.”

If you don’t have the app yet, you can download the Soccer Chaplains United App from the Google and App Store. Search “SoccChaplain” and look for our logo (see photo below)!

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