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Timothy Project Donations – How the Gear Gets From Here to There


Long before Soccer Chaplains United begins to pull gear for a trip, many things are happening to plant the seeds that will grow into a bounty of blessings in a far-off land.

When a church partner or organization is in the planning stages of a mission trip they first determine if taking along soccer gear will fit into their trip goals. If so, the group then decides if they have packing space to travel with the gear and do they have a place or group of people to whom the gear will be given.

The group will then come to Soccer Chaplains United’s website and fill out a form formally requesting gear. In the form, they share details about their trip, which gear they’d like and how much they’re able to take. Once approved Soccer Chaplains United sets to work preparing for the give. Often times Soccer Chaplains United purchases new equipment due to the fact that not all items requested are donated, such as soccer balls or soccer nets.

Soccer Chaplains United will prepare in advance by gathering all the requested supplies to be delivered to the group’s Packing Party. At the Packing Party, a Soccer Chaplains United team member will formally present the gear with a talk and a prayer.

Soccer Chaplain United’s latest award was to church partner Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church for their annual trip down to Juarez, Mexico.

Reverend Brad Kenney presented the donations, which included coolers, jerseys, soccer balls, water bottles, cleats, socks, and t-shirts. He shared from where it all came and the spirit in which it was given to Soccer Chaplains United. He talked about the privilege it is for the Timothy Project to be involved in reaching the people of Juarez with these gifts.

As the Denver Community Coordinator, I was able to be in attendance and because Rev Kenney was going on the trip, he asked me to pray for the team, the trip, and the donations. This was a neat opportunity for me and is part of of what we value doing at Soccer Chaplains United — not just giving away gear, but blessing the people and groups who will give it and those who will receive it. My prayer over the team went something like this:

Father God, we praise You for this opportunity that this team of families from Cherry Creek Presbyterian Churchs has to travel to Juarez to work alongside the community and to bless them with this soccer gear that is before us.  Lord, we pray for strength and unity within the Cherry Creek Presbyterian team that they are able to represent the Body of Christ well.  We thank you for the gift of this soccer gear, let it be a blessing to all those who receive it in Juarez.

To support future Timothy Project ventures such as this one to Juarez, Mexico please donate through PushPay — simply select Timothy Project from the selectable funds to contribute to. Your financial gift helps us purchase new equipment, sponsor a missionary or organization in an outreach effort, and to cover associated costs of providing Bibles, soccer equipment, and other outreach tools locally and around the world!



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