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Soccer Chaplains United 2018 Annual Report

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Please find here the electronic, pdf version of our annual report for 2018.

We have been blessed by this past year and look forward to the upcoming year of ministry and service. If there are any questions about the annual report and you are a donor or partner church, please contact me at We view you as our “shareholders” in this important work and area always working to address issues of transparency and accountability in the spaces where we work and serve.

This is not an easy job, either. We have been deeply entrusted in the places where we serve and amongst a culture that is highly skeptical of religion and religious expressions. You will not find language about “souls saved” or conversions, etc. that you might find amongst other organizations. Partly, because our view and approach of chaplaincy is vastly different from those types of sports ministry organizations that you might be more familiar with. Partly, because our care and concern is for the whole person — no matter how they self-identify.

Please humbly accept report above as our condensed version of sharing the past year’s work and activity and our future vision and direction as we seek to serve in the best ways possible.

United by a common code and a shared vision to provide spiritual care, wise counsel, and meaningful service for soccer.

Soccer Chaplains United

Soccer Chaplains United is non-profit, 501(c)3 and depends upon the financial support of our partners to carry out our work of developing chaplaincy, counseling, and community service across all levels of soccer. Please consider making a contribution today to help us continue growing our work.