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The Three S’s of Quarantine

From the Touchline

As the COVID-19 global pandemic continues on, the challenges of lockdown and quarantine confront all of us. Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, a person of faith or a person of no faith — these are challenging times to live through.

In today’s From the Touchline episode, I look at three different S’s that are likely present and a challenge for all of us in varying ways right now. Stillness. Solitude. Silence. It’s likely that we feel burdened or stressed by these things, when in truth they are actually a gift if we can become aware of it and if we can learn something of what God might be wanting to show us as people or as communities or as cultures.

Today, I talk a lot about the enneagram. You may or may not be familiar with this personality tool. I would encourage listeners to take a moment and understand their Enneagram type as a potential helpful reference for some of the language that I use in the podcast today.

Below is the main book that I reference in the podcast and the scripture verses that I mention at the end.

From the Touchline is a short-feature (usually 10-15 min) podcast with Rev Brad Kenney, Founder and Executive Director of Soccer Chaplains United and Volunteer Chaplain to the Colorado Rapids of Major League Soccer. Rev Brad and occasional guests touch on various issues around the topics of faith, family, and football (soccer).

Also, don’t forget that you can listen in our app, SoccrChapUtd, in the Apple and Google store.

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