Chaplaincy during COVID-19
More than a few people have asked me, “What does your work and ministry look like right now?” When probing further into their questions, the obvious is part of their inquiry — there aren’t any sports going on right now, social distancing means that people aren’t together in the ways they used to be — so what does chaplaincy in soccer look like?
Allow me to share some quick samples from Soccer Chaplains United’s work:
- An athlete from another country is without a car while playing here for one of our lower division teams — getting to physical therapy appointments has been difficult. One of our chaplains has stepped up to drive him to his appointments.
- Another athlete and his wife recently welcomed a new child — diapers, wipes, and toilet paper are hard to come by. One of our chaplains brought some much needed supplies.
- Chaplains are utilizing apps like Houseparty and FaceTime to connect with athletes and do bible or group study topics.
- Chaplains are connecting via WhatsApp to athletes and coaches in the US and in other countries who are currently without support.
- Chaplains are conducting virtual Bible studies through the Bible app.
- Chaplains are emailing and texting staff, athletes, coaches.
- Chaplains are engaging in discipleship with encouraged book and Bible reading and back and forth email and document dialogues.
- Soccer Chaplains United has redesigned and relaunching a new app during this time.
And what is the state of football (soccer) right now? Again, some quick hitters:
- Major League Soccer athletes are reportedly being asked to take a 50% pay cut
- United Soccer League (lower divisions of soccer in US) are furloughing staff.
- Colleges and universities are shuttering soccer programs.
- The United States Soccer Federation has ended the Development Academy Program.
- Additional shut downs and schedule changes are impacting a number of people.
Soccer Chaplains United chaplains are volunteers and they are balancing their current vocational work and family loads right now from home, in addition to supporting those that we serve with our various teams. We continue to need your prayers and your support during this time.
Pray for those that are in the midst of losing their jobs.
Pray for those who depend on the generosity of donors for their support and fundraising and expenditures for ministry with Soccer Chaplains United.
Pray for those who are feeling tired and fatigued with the heavy load of zoom calls and schedules.
Pray for those who have ethical and moral responsibilities for incomes and wages of people in their organizations.
Chaplaincy is still going on during the Coronavirus pandemic — it just looks a little different. Thank you for your prayers and for your support.