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New App SoccrChapUtd Launched!

person holding a space gray iPhone 6 and black case

Hey everyone, well, we finally received word from both Apple and Google Stores today that our new app has been approved and is now available for download at both places for Apple and Android devices.

The app is now available in the Apple App and Google Play stores.

The new app name is SoccrChapUtd to better reflect our name. You can also search by using Soccer Chaplains United. The app redesign has also hopefully come out with a simplified way for people to connect with Soccer Chaplains United in a variety of ways — whether you are an athlete, coach, you work in soccer, or are interested in donating, partnering or just learning more about us.

If you already have our old app — you will need to go to the app store of your particular device and download/re-install the new version.

You can download the app here (links to PushPay – our partner).

You can also download the app by texting: Soccerchaplains app to 77977.

Soccer Chaplains United is non-profit, 501(c)3 and we are dependent upon the financial support of our partners to carry out our work of developing chaplaincy, counseling, and community service across all levels of soccer. If your church, business, or foundation would like to support our work please consider making a contribution today or reaching out to us at

Click the PushPay logo below or text soccerchaplains to 77977 to make a secure electronic donation. You can also mail a donation to Soccer Chaplains United, PO Box 102081 Denver, CO 80250.