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Timothy Project: Mexico 2015

Ann Nerny Mission Ministries Mexico 2015

For Nerney, the “least of these” continue to capture her heart.

CrossTraining Timothy ProjectAnn Nerney is headed to Mexico, again – this the second time in 2015 as she looks to lead a team of singles from Cherry Hills Community Church down to Juarez, Mexico to work with the poor, love on the children, and leave things just a little bit better than when they arrived. You will remember that Nerney has lead other teams that utilized the Timothy Project.

For Ann and the team, they know that the soccer shoes and balls mean a lot to the children of Juarez who have next to nothing. For these children, soccer is a special way for the team to connect and for them to build relationships with each other.

Soccer provides and ideal outlet for exercise, teamwork, and play. We hope to be giving out soccer balls to the children who live in the surrounding community.

In addition to spending time with the local children and working with the church to build new relationships, Nerney and her team will also work to build a house with the assistance of Mission Ministries.

Mission Ministries Ann Nerney Cherry Hills Community Church CrossTraining Timothy Project

Simple construction home makes a big difference to those eeking out an existence in Juarez, Mexico.

Their request, though large, is not impossible to fill: 80 soccer balls for the children and any additional equipment (socks, shinguards, etc.) to give away as well.

If you would like to make a contribution to this project please note (Timothy Project: Mexico 2015) in your donation. Please use the Donate Now link to make a secure PayPal donation. Your financial gift helps to secure additional equipment and to cover associated costs of providing bibles, soccer equipment, and other outreach tools locally and around the world!