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Timothy Project: Uganda 2015 Update

Pastor Chris Piehl and the 20-person team from Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church, are now nine days into their work trip in Kampala, Uganda. The team is serving with Youth For Christ Uganda. Check out the team’s blog page to find out how the trip is going.


Timothy Project: Uganda 2015 featured gear (jerseys and balls) like that pictured here from the Colorado Rapids.

Piehl and the team took soccer uniforms, balls and other equipment to use with the children on “Sports Day” – here the team gets a chance to play soccer and build friendships by spending time playing and fellowshipping.

If you would like to make a contribution to help with this or future Timothy Projects, please note (Timothy Project) in your online donation and use the Donate Now link to make a secure PayPal donation.


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  1. […] Pastor Chris Piehl, the recent trip with Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church to Kampala, Uganda was eye-opening on several different fronts – from the sparse “field” conditions […]

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