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Timothy Project: Uganda 2015 Final Update

Pastor Chris Phiel poses for a picture with a Ugandan boy

Pastor Chris Piehl in Uganda

For Pastor Chris Piehl, the recent trip with Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church to Kampala, Uganda was eye-opening on several different fronts – from the sparse “field” conditions to the giving away of soccer uniforms to some of the ministry partners that work with local youth in Kampala.

Pastor Piehl and Cherry Creek Presbyterian reached out to CrossTraining via the Timothy Project to see if there was any soccer equipment and gear that the team could take with them to Uganda. Pastor Piehl shares the Timothy Project: Uganda 2015 final update below,

We had a great trip and the soccer gear was a huge hit and blessing.  We spent one afternoon playing soccer against a team of street kids in Kampala.  You can see in the pictures that the “pitch” was a bit challenging (I have a big bruise on what foot from kicking a rock instead of the ball!) but it was a great game. Screen Shot 2015-07-31 at 10.46.31 AMAfter the game I shared with the street kids about what Jesus was really like and his ability to identify with all of our pain from Isaiah 53. After having one of the Youth for Christ staff pray for them, we had Ruben and Matthias (YFC Staff member) present the leader of the Street Kids ministry with a set of soccer jerseys and a couple of balls.  Timothy Project: Uganda 2015 gear handoffThey were thrilled to receive them and joked about how intimidating they would be to other teams in the next tournament that they played.  YFC has the opportunity to work with a lot of other organizations that do ministry like this and will be able to give out the other uniforms and balls over the coming months.  Timothy Project: Uganda 2015 gear handoffThey were incredibly grateful and I got to personally see how some simple uniforms could bring value and a sense of belonging to a group of young boys who desparately need it.

The team from Cherry Creek Presbyterian also has created a highlight video from their trip which can be viewed here – the soccer portions of the trip start around the 2:30 minute mark to about 4 minutes.

Timothy Project: Uganda 2015 Final Update

Timothy Project: Uganda 2015 Final Update


Timothy Project: Uganda 2015 Final Update









If you would like to support future Timothy Project ventures like this one, please use the Donate Now link to make a secure PayPal donation. Your financial gift helps to secure new equipment, sponsor a missionary or organization in an outreach effort, or to cover associated costs of providing bibles, soccer equipment, and other outreach tools locally and around the world!


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  1. […] at the end of the trip. CCPC has made a regular trip of going to Uganda and also utilized the Timothy Project when a team went in 2015. New to the team for this year is Cameron Bristol, who shared his excitement about the […]

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