Timothy Project – Valor Costa Rica 2018 Final Update
Timothy Project: Soccer players from Valor Christian High School traveled back to Tamarindo, Costa Rica in March 2018 to continue the mission they began years ago, to touch people with the love of Christ through soccer and building homes. The team partners with Mercy Homes Ministries through which they work with locals to build homes for families in need and stay focused on the mission at hand.
The team of nearly 30, including Soccer Chaplain United’s Executive Director, Brad Kenney, spent their days building homes and their evenings running soccer clinics. Two homes were built during thier time in Tamarindo. Valor senior and varsity player, Nicole Wright, wrote about her experience,
We built two houses for two families – one of the families was living in a tin shack prior to this trip and the other family’s home recently burned down in an electrical accident.
Wright adds, One of my favorite memories was the dedication of the two completed houses at the end of the trip. Even though we experienced a grueling schedule (8 hours of construction followed by 2 hours of soccer outreach almost every day), my team and I were able to accomplish incredible things in the name of the Lord during our time in Costa Rica.
In addition to building two houses, the team collected and transported almost 40 large duffel bags worth of soccer gear from local schools, clubs, ministries, and families – nearly 2000 pounds of balls, cleats, shin guards, gloves, and training gear. All the gear carried from Denver to Tamarindo is used for the soccer outreach, the soccer clinics and is left for the community. To read more of the story please visit this Valor link.
To see previous stories about this trip see Timothy Project: Valor Costa Rica 2018 – Return to Tamarindo and Timothy Project 2018: Full Bags for Costa Rica.
To support Timothy Project: Valor Costa Rica 2018 or future Timothy Project ventures please donate through PushPay — simply select Timothy Project from the selectable funds to contribute to. Your financial gift helps us purchase new soccer equipment, sponsor an individual or organization in an outreach effort, and to cover associated costs of providing Bibles, soccer equipment, and other outreach tools locally and around the world!