2nd Global Congress on Sport and Christianity
I am really excited about the upcoming 2nd Global Congress on Sport and Christianity this October. The inaugural congress was held in 2016 in York, England at the University of Gloucestershire. I was able to be a presenter and participant in 2016. I gave a 20 minute presentation on Foundations of Pastoral Care: Recovering the Spirit of Chaplaincy in Sport. And before the congress, the paper was accepted for publication in Practical Theology.
2016 and the congress were significant for another reason, though — it was through some conversations borne out of my time there that God impressed upon me that the time had come to put the CrossTraining name to rest. Thus began the journey of creating our current organizational name of Soccer Chaplains United.
Now, three years later, I am excited to return back to this latest expression of the Congress. It will be held at Calvin College in Michigan, October 23-27. I have already entered one abstract for presentation along the lines of a theological construct for chaplaincy. I am also working to develop another presentation with sports chaplaincy and counseling themes intertwined.
I am praying that we will be able to help subsidize the cost of our chaplains and counselors that are available to go and attend, as it is an extremely formative and sharpening time.