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Announcing Memphis 901 FC Chaplain

I am pleased to announce that ahead of the 2019 season, Greg Aydt, has been approved as candidate to serve as chaplain to one of the newest teams in the United Soccer League — Championship. Greg is the Youth Ministries Director at Advent Presbyterian Church and is currently completing his ordination process with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC). You can read more about him on his bio page here.

When we began the search earlier this year, I shared about the opportunity with several people in the EPC, which has a strong presence in the Memphis area. After a number of phone calls and looking at the various candidates, it became clear that Greg would make an excellent choice. As I shared with Greg about the vision of Soccer Chaplains United, he seemed to really grab a hold of our desire to care — not just for the athletes in the locker room, but for the staff and for the whole organization and even the city!

When I asked Greg about his vision and hope for this first season of Memphis, he shared:

As I join 901 FC for their inaugural season, I hope I can serve every level of the organization in small ways so that they will feel cared for and valued as they serve the city of Memphis.

Greg is someone who has a heart and a vision, not just for a soccer team, but for a city, and I am exited to see him grow into this role.

I am excited to start my chaplaincy with the starting of this club. I have been stoked to hear the passion and vision of the ownership and coaching staff for this city. It inspires that same passion in me to love Memphis like God loves Memphis.

As Greg joins Soccer Chaplains United, he brings the number of chaplains currently serving to 12 chaplains and Memphis 901 FC becomes the 5th USL team being served by Soccer Chaplains United. We are still looking to fill a chaplain vacancy in Charlotte with the Charlotte Independence.

Soccer Chaplains United is non-profit, 501(c)3 and depends upon the financial support of our partners to carry out our work of developing chaplaincy, counseling, and community service across all levels of soccer. Please consider making a contribution today to help us continue growing our work.

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