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Avila Ends Term

Alex Avila recently told us that he would not seek to renew his term on the Soccer Chaplains United Board of Directors. For the past two years, Alex has been instrumental in being a guiding voice and advocate for the counseling aspects of the ministry and work of Soccer Chaplains United.

Alex steps aside as he has felt a calling to open up an innovative, coffee shop mental and spiritual health center in his local city of Castle Rock, Colorado and to pursue developing more online counseling and relationship education resources.

Alex continues to see clients and develop counseling resources through his Relationship Institute of the Rockies

I enjoyed serving alongside Brad and the passionate team he has assembled to make a difference in the lives of athletes, their families and ministry partners around the world. This Board is truly dedicated to giving people practical help and providing genuine hope when life is going well and during challenges.

Alex Avila, former member of Soccer Chaplains United Board of Directors

It was during Alex’s tenure that Soccer Chaplains United added a counselor for the Development Academy program, helped to develop the position and name a Director of Counseling for Soccer Chaplains United, and help begin a pioneering program in forming a counseling internship in the Development Academy soccer program, the first of its kind.

Alex is in the process of forming his own nonprofit organization to lead and direct the coffee shop counseling with an aim to de-stigmatize counseling and mental health help for people.

I appreciate all that Alex has brought to Soccer Chaplains United the past two years and it has been exciting to see God place a new vision and burden in his own heart. I look forward to continuing to support and partner with Alex in the future. We pray God’s best for his future endeavors and his vision to serve people in a holistic manner.

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