From the Rev: 200,000 and counting
This past week, as I headed into training to spend time with the team, I watched as the odometer hit a milestone: 200,000 miles. In that moment, I gave a brief prayer of thanksgiving to God, for safety of travel and His grace over the roads traveled and the paths walked over the years of doing ministry for CrossTraining.
CrossTraining chaplains can travel upwards of 8-10,000 miles a year in serving the needs of the professional sports team. Sometimes a road trip to an away game, the weekly trip to the stadium or bible study, the occasional get together with a couple for counseling, helping a player move from one apartment to another, driving a player who has been cut or has recently signed to the airport – all this adds up to a lot of windshield time and miles on the car.
I have experienced these times as a sweet time. In the times when I find myself alone, I often pray or listen to music to prepare my heart to engage people and be a representative of God. In the times when there are others in the car, I still pray that my life, my words, my witness would be honoring to God and moving and meaningful to those placed under my care (and in my car) for that moment.
Now in my 12th season as a chaplain, I imagine that I have hit some 100,000 miles for driving for the ministry. I pray that God give the same protection and blessing for the next 100,000 – wherever those miles end up taking me. Thank you for your prayers, too.
Rev. Brad Kenney