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Highline Renews Partnership with Soccer Chaplains United

Highline Community Church (HCC) is partnering with Soccer Chaplains United again!

HCC, originally partnered with us from 2017 – 2020. At the time, HCC was the third church partner in our history. HCC provided monthly financial support during those years to help advance the work and mission of the ministry. Additionally, the church would feature the work and ministry of Soccer Chaplains United in its local missions moments — including a few Sunday morning introductions.

A few months ago, as I was anticipating some life changes for me and my family (namely high school graduation and needing an extra living space in our home), I spoke with Brian Gawf (Pastor of HCC) about whether the church might have an extra office that I might be able to use. We discussed some different ways that myself and the ministry could partner with the church in exchange for utilizing the space, and in the end, HCC was gracious and generous in offering a new space.

Located near I-25 and Orchard Road, the church is a little bit closer to the stadium for the work that I do with the Colorado Rapids. But more than that, the new space allows my family a little bit of breathing room as I have been had a home office for the last 7 years.

I am grateful for the space and opportunity to continue the work of Soccer Chaplains United in this new space. I pray that God blesses Highline ten times over for the ways that it is blessing and supporting Soccer Chaplains United and me.

Soccer Chaplains United is non-profit, 501(c)3 and depends upon the financial support of our partners to carry out our work of developing chaplaincy across all levels of soccer. Please consider making a contribution today to help us continue growing our chaplains and our work — simply hit the donate link to go to our donate page for different giving options or PushPay button at the bottom of the page to make a tax-deductible, one-time or recurring gift.