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Lessons from Lasso — Be a Goldfish

How well do you receive forgiveness? How easy is it for you to move on from a mistake or critical error as a footballer or coach? Have you developed any particular memory habits or routines and rhythms to help you overcome and achieve? Well, today we consider Coach Lasso’s words to defender Sam Obisanya — “Be a Goldfish!”

Ted Lasso, the immensely popular streaming TV show in its second season on Apple TV+ features the antics and quirky, ‘Ted Lasso’ character brought to life in his own TV show series. Lasso first appeared a number of years ago as a comedic character as NBC purchased the broadcast rights to the English Premier League. Played by Jason Sudeikis, Lasso (as a coach) brings change to the difficult football (soccer) team that he has traveled overseas to coach.

Today, on the From the Touchline podcast, Rev Brad shares lesson twelve and how it is important to have a short term memory when it comes to overcoming mistakes and to receiving forgiveness from God and from others.

In the ‘Lessons from Lasso’ series, Rev Brad looks at some of the different life learning points brought up in the the show from a chaplain’s point of view.

From the Touchline is a short-feature (usually 10-15 min) podcast with Rev Brad Kenney, Founder and Executive Director of Soccer Chaplains United and Volunteer Chaplain to the Colorado Rapids of Major League Soccer.

Rev Brad and occasional guests touch on various issues around the topics of faith, family, and football (soccer).

Also, don’t forget that you can listen in our app, SoccrChapUtd, in the Apple and Google store.

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