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New Video Gives Coach Perspective on Chaplaincy

We just released a new video featuring a testimonial from Brian Shultz, Head Coach of Boys and Girls Soccer at Valor Christian High School. The video (visible here) gives a coach’s perspective on the impact and effectiveness of a chaplain on a soccer program.

I’ve worked with Valor for just about five seasons now. As a chaplain, I have seen just about everything happen in and to people within the community of those belonging to the soccer program at Valor. From divorce to death, from disciplinary issues and from team successes to team lows and everything in-between. Head Coach, Brian Shultz offers his own take here on the chaplaincy which has grown this past year.

Soccer Chaplains United has a vision to see chaplains come alongside soccer teams and programs at all levels. Youth club teams, high school, college, and professional are among some of the groups that we are interested in opening dialogue with and assisting in finding that right person to serve as a chaplain. If you are interested in starting a dialogue, send us an email at

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