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Something Worth Talking About

From the Touchline

A recent Men in Blazers podcast had a line from show host Davo (Michael Davies) which got me thinking. When speaking to some of the racist abuse that came as a result of the Euro 2020 final, Davo said, “I have no solution, so I feel it’s pointless to talk about.” It’s not likely that Davo was saying that racism as an issue isn’t worth talking about — instead, I think it’s a weariness that many around the game and around the issue feel. It’s almost like, can’t we move past these issues? Can’t we all just get along?

Football fans around the world believe the game to be a great leveler — a unifying game between differences. And so, it feels heavy to continue to see the abuses and violence around the game — it mars and makes ugly what we refer to as The Beautiful Game.

Today, on the podcast, I offer up the solution that Davo is missing and I talk about what it looks like to discover and walk in such a way as to affect real change when it comes to something like racism. Not that I (or any of my fellow compatriots Christian people) do this right or well or even all or some of the time — but it is something worth talking about and we do have a solution and we do have something to aim for, to strive for. I attempt to get into this — but truth be told it’s a much bigger issue than time alone today warrants.

I am Rev Brad Kenney, and this is the Soccer Chaplains United podcast, From the Touchline.

Today, on the podcast I mention some verses in the Bible. They are hyperlinked here (available on our website) for quick reference:

From the Touchline is a short-feature (usually 10-15 min) podcast with Rev Brad Kenney, Founder and Executive Director of Soccer Chaplains United and Volunteer Chaplain to the Colorado Rapids of Major League Soccer.

Rev Brad and occasional guests touch on various issues around the topics of faith, family, and football (soccer).

Also, don’t forget that you can listen in our app, SoccrChapUtd, in the Apple and Google store.

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