Timothy Project: Mongolia
CrossTraining today announced its third Timothy Project award recipient for the 2012 season. The project will feature church and Christian leader development in Mongolia to help leaders use the sport of soccer to reach out to youth and to battle against a growing epidemic of youth alcoholism and help plant 12 new churches near the Chinese border of Mongolia.
The Mongolia Project request has come from David Irby, who is part of the mission organization Surge International. Irby was recently featured in one of the 2012 CrossTrainer articles – the CrossTrainer is a monthly publication provided to the players, coaches, and staff of the Portland Timbers and Colorado Rapids.
The Timothy Project will help team members with some travel needs between the US and Mongolia for a trip in late July. More details on the mission work are viewable below:
If you would like to help support this Timothy Project, please use PayPal link below and mark your gift CXT: Mongolia. Remember that your gifts are tax-deductible when made to START Ministries.