Soccer Chaplains United SmileAmazon Charity Lists Fixed
We recently received a notification from Amazon that the public charity lists for Soccer Chaplains United had a defect that made impacted the ability for donors to select and make purchases. We apologize if you tried to make a tangible gift donation through one of these lists, the defect has now been corrected.
The SmileAmazon Charity lists are a way for donors to purchase specific items to help Soccer Chaplains United. Whether it is a continuing education book or resource for a chaplain or soccer equipment that we send out on one of our community project fulfillment requests.
You can find the different lists below and see the kinds of items that we need as an organization.
Chaplaincy List — this list includes books and chaplain education resources that we give to our chaplains.
Community List — soccer gear and equipment and items that we send out with our church partners and non-profit groups that request soccer gear.
Organizational List — this list includes some of the administrative and organizational items that we need.