Waterstone Helps Soccer Chaplains United with High-Powered Giving
Soccer Chaplains United, last week, announced a new partnership with WaterStone, a 501(c)3 Christian foundation. WaterStone comes alongside many donors and provides trusted counsel and innovative giving strategies designed to multiply giving impact, minimize taxes and heighten one’s sense of joy around generosity.
One of the recurring questions asked of donors is,
Do you know how to power your giving?
When most people consider donating to Soccer Chaplains United, or another nonprofit about which they are passionate, they pull out their checkbooks and tap into their cash reserves for that special gift. However, most people hold a greater share of their wealth in non-cash assets; valuable holdings like securities, real estate, commodities (oil, gas, crops, etc.), and business ownership. In these non-cash assets lay the power to take giving to a higher level.
Soccer Chaplains United has partnered with WaterStone to bring donors customized giving solutions that can help donors reach giving goals. You can download the eBook, “WaterStone: Serving Givers at the Intersection of Faith and Finance,” to learn how you can unlock your giving potential and best steward your non-cash assets — for organizations like Soccer Chaplains United and more.