Students Grow in Unexpected Ways During Month In Guatemala
Valor High School senior, Class of 2019, Colin Kemp spent the month of June in Guatemala with a team of his school peers and a few teachers and mentors. Kemp shares about the trip from his perspective in this post.
The first two weeks in Atitlán were harder than any of us ever thought they would be. We launched our trip by studying for six hours in a Spanish school every day, 1 on 1 with a teacher. We also empathized with the local residents after a volcano eruption changed the village, and even took the lives of many families. We struggled not knowing what to say or do to show them how we cared and were there for them emotionally, spiritually, and in as much of a physical sense as we could.
Kemp goes on to explain how the rest of the time in Zacapa unfolded.
We filled the remaining weeks with sweating with everything we had in us to play with the kids and do construction for local churches by day, then pouring into the lives of those who have never seen the true love of Christ by night.
As a team, we were there for each other and supported one another in the midst of some of the most challenging moments we’ve faced in our short lives. We also built each other up by loving one another in the midst of our greatest joys and laughs. This trip was more than just an everlasting memory to me, says Kemp, it was an experience that will forever change the way I love on friends and family that deserve it, and it will impact how I show the unconditional love of Christ to those who have never seen his beauty.
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