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Timothy Project: Valor Guatemala 2015 Update

CrossTraining Director, Brad Kenney along with board and staff members pray over the Valor Guatemala team.

CrossTraining Director, Brad Kenney along with board and staff members pray over the Valor Guatemala team.

Last night, a team comprised of CrossTraining staff and board members visited the Valor Christian High School team as they packed and prepared to head off to Zacapa, Guatemala this Saturday June 6. The Valor team had reached out to CrossTraining and applied for the Timothy Project. Danny Brooks, a Spanish teacher and soccer coach at the school, asked the organization to  provide them  soccer gear to hand out to the people there.

CrossTraining’s Executive Director, Brad Kenney, interviewed Laura Shultz one of the female team leaders who is going on the trip. She said the team would be down there for  a total of  28 days. She also said that though she had never been down to Guatemala her parents had gone a few years back, and that they brought loads of soccer gear down with them.

During their time down in Guatemala, they will be taking Spanish classes to help with the language barrier. They will also be performing skits which the CrossTraining team got to see part of and think that the people will be left with a smile on their face after watching it.


Deflated balls fill a duffel bag being packed for Guatemala

As the CrossTraining team watched the Valor team pack they were delighted to see all the gear and equipment gained packed and sorted into different bags and suitcases from the Timothy Project and that others had donated. The Valor team is taking close to six duffle bags full of used soccer gear and 20 new soccer balls down to Guatemala.

Not only is the Valor team going to pass out soccer gear, but their chief goal is to get to know the culture as they are down in the area. They also want help to try and minister to the people and show them that God loves them. The team ultimately wants to help grow the global church.

Full duffel bags wait out the Colorado rainstorm on their way to Guatemala.

Full duffel bags wait out the Colorado rainstorm on their way to Guatemala.

As the team is down there they will be blogging about their adventures and they will also have updates on how the project is going. The team would like to ask supporters to keep them in their prayers as the language barrier could be quite a hindrance.

You can still make a contribution to offset the costs for the Valor Guatemala 2015. Please note (Timothy Project: Valor Guatemala 2015) in your online donation. Please use the Donate Now link to make a secure PayPal donation. Your financial gift will help pay for the cost of the new soccer balls for the team.


– Contributed by Isabella Burton

Intern, CrossTraining