Timothy Project CYM 2014: A Welsh Opportunity
Pastor Rick Holman serves as the Lead Pastor for the Cactus Campus of Scottsdale Bible Church in Phoenix, Arizona and he is leading a team to the Cardiff, Wales to partner with Highfields Church to put on a 1 week outreach soccer camp. The camp is open to local boys and girls aged 5-12 years old. Each day will consist of a variety of “football” skills in conjunction with a dedicated time to present biblical and personal stories by the coaches. The last day of the camp will feature a round robin tournament similar to the World Cup to complete the week followed by a Gospel message and invitation to come to church the next Sunday.
Wales, as part of the United Kingdom, while not a typical first thought of as a mission field, only boasts less than 1% of the population as Christian and virtually none under the age of 20. The specific request from Holman and is team is for soccer pinnies to use during the camp and to let the children take home with them when they are done. CrossTraining is currently working to supply a couple dozen youth-sized pinnies as well as copies of The Prize: Under Pressure for the team to use while in country.
Please pray for Rick Holman and the team from Scottsdale Bible Church as they depart for the UK today.
If you would like to support future Timothy Project ventures, such as this one, please use the PayPal link below to make a donation. Your financial gift helps to secure additional equipment, sponsor a missionary or organization in an outreach effort, and cover associated costs of providing bibles, soccer equipment, and other outreach tools locally and around the world!