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Timothy Project: Liberia 2015

Situated in West Africa, Liberia has a unique history.

Situated in West Africa, Liberia has a unique history.

For the people of Liberia, there has always been a challenge facing them. In the early 1800’s Liberia was re-settled by free slaves from the United States, returning to Africa. It was a redemptive story; however, Liberia has been challenged by civil war and coups and most recently, the outbreak of Ebola. For many Liberians, living here in the U.S., their hearts are always turned back home and wondering how they can help their country and their people. For Thomas Fahn, he is doing more than thinking about home. He is trying make life better there.

Thomas Fahn L.I.F.E.

Thomas Fahn is working for a better L.I.F.E. for his people in Liberia.

For Fahn,  growing up in a family of 10, life in Liberia was very difficult. There were many days when he had to survive without food. Other necessities, such as clothing and shoes were hard to come by. Luxuries, like toys, were near impossible. Healthcare and education were deplorable.

Today, Fahn is in a different situation, receiving two Bachelor degrees in Public Health and in Behavioral Science. Fahn is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership and has established L.I.F.E., the Liberian Institute for Empowerment as a means of living out his greatest passion – to be a blessing to his people by giving them hope and the promise of a better future.

Thomas Fahn Liberia

Fahn and L.I.F.E. are committed to improving life in rural Liberia.

Established in December 2013,  (L.I.F.E) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the standards of living for the people living in the rural areas of Liberia. As a registered 501(c) 3 organization, the primary focus is on improving the health, education and quality of life for the underprivileged children, youth, and young adults of rural Liberia.
What started as a vision that Fahn had growing up as a little boy in his village in Liberia. Is growing into a vision larger than Fahn could have ever hoped and dreamed. L.I.F.E. is presently operating in the Gola Konneh district, northern eastern Liberia. They are trusting in God to build a modern Christ-centered high school to provide quality education to the underprivileged children and youth of the local district. A recent visit brought a sharp awareness to Fahn,

Rural LiberiaI quickly realized that the schools in this district were in desperate need of basic materials like soccer balls, soccer uniforms, soccer cleats, text books, and other school supplies.


Villagers in rural Liberia are harvesting rice as a means of living – empowered by L.I.F.E.


L.I.F.E.’s goal is to assist in meeting some of the basic need of the children and youth in Gola Konneh district through their container project. The Container project for 2015 is specifically intended for collecting school supplies, text books, soccer balls, soccer uniforms, soccer cleats and other basic necessities and shipping them through a 40-foot container.

For most young people, there are no jobs in rural Liberia and without gainful employment they often turn to alcohol and struggle with depression. Football (soccer) helps to give the young people a sense of purpose and L.I.F.E. is also working to build farms and create other opportunities to help build the economy.


Soccer is one way of keeping youth active, inspired, and out of trouble.

If you would like to make a contribution to this project please note (Timothy Project: Liberia 2015) in your donation. Please use the Donate Now link to make a secure PayPal donation. Your financial gift helps to secure additional equipment, sponsor a missionary or organization in an outreach effort, and to cover associated costs of providing bibles, soccer equipment, and other outreach tools locally and around the world!


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  1. […] Liberia 2015 – shipping container inventory and inspection Thursday, May 20 […]

  2. […] month, CrossTraining announced the Timothy Project: Liberia 2015 and the goal of Liberian Institute for Empowerment (L.I.F.E.) to fill a shipping container from […]

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