Timothy Project MX 2014: Mexico by Storm
For Ann Nerney and her team headed down to Juarez, Mexico, there were smiles all around as they took donated soccer gear on the latest trip to Juarez as a result of a Timothy Project application this past fall. With the back of her truck packed full of balls and shoes and shinguards and clothes, Ann Nerny drove away excited for the joy that she knew would be felt by the children that the team would be working with. Much of the gear was donated by the local youth soccer club Colorado Storm headed by Dave Dir.
Nerny shared this update from the trip:
The trip to Juarez was absolutely wonderful, and the children were so blessed by the generous gift of the soccer equipment.
As you can see from the pictures, we had soccer shoes, shin pads, clothing and soccer balls for 60 children! Before the children arrived, we sorted all the equipment in the room as well as the clothing. They came after school, and lined up outside the building. To keep order, we brought them in 5 at a time, so we could help them get the shoes fitted properly.
While they were trying on shoes, we sized them up and selected the clothing for them. They got a bag with the clothes, and headed over to select their soccer balls. They were very selective! Some knew the proper number of ball for their age group, and wanted to be sure they got the right size.
Afterward, we saw soccer shoes and clothing the rest of the week. The clothes were worn to school the next day, and to church the following evening. Everywhere we turned, soccer balls were being kicked around. The church property has two goals without nets, and this was a gathering place, active with kids playing their beloved sport.
In the spring we will head back and will serve an orphanage that currently has 89 children residing there. We hope to ask again for your generosity to be poured out to this impoverished community.
God bless you and your group for your generous gift!
More pictures are below!
If you would like to support future Timothy Project ventures, such as this one, please use the PayPal link below to make a donation. Your financial gift helps to secure additional equipment, sponsor a missionary or organization in an outreach effort, and cover associated costs of providing bibles, soccer equipment, and other outreach tools locally and around the world!