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Community Update


With COVID-19 stifling the world around, we wanted to provide an update on where our community projects and initiatives stand at this point.

If you’re an avid reader and follower, you will know that Valor Christian High School cancelled their trip to Costa Rica. The houses still got built, but the team that was to leave back in mid-March had to return the requested soccer gear.

We still have a fulfillment waiting for new project requestor, Musana; however, the delay with lockdown measures has meant that the containers are behind in being finished and with the country of Uganda shut down as well, there haven’t been approvals for the shipping manifesto and the soccer items that we’ve currently got waiting for them. The hope is that the containers might be completed and shipped by late summer.

In the meantime, many church partners have cancelled their international travel and missions trips. I am hoping that there will be some late year requests that will enable us to support our global and local mission work with some soccer gear, but still much remains to be seen.