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From the Touchline

We are well into the fall season now — leaves are changing, there is a chill in the night air — and the football season here in the U.S. is soon to come to a close with end-of-year tournaments before the cold of winter sets in.

Today, on the From the Touchline podcast, I reflect on the similarities between the harvest season and the football season. Reflecting on poetic words from Kenneth McLeod’s book Road to the Isles and also the apostle Paul’s words found in Galatians 6:9-10, I hope that these can be words of encouragement — whether this fall season sees you reaping a bountiful reward or has you feeling somewhat empty-handed.

Scripture reference from today’s episode is linked below:

From the Touchline is a short-feature (usually 10-15 min) podcast with Rev Brad Kenney, Founder and Executive Director of Soccer Chaplains United and Volunteer Chaplain to the Colorado Rapids of Major League Soccer. Rev Brad and occasional guests touch on various issues around the topics of faith, family, and football (soccer).

Also, don’t forget that you can listen in our app, SoccrChapUtd, in the Apple and Google store.

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