Timothy Project: CCPC Juarez 2016
This week Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church leaves again for Juarez, Mexico, for a week-long mission trip. CCPC has been serving alongside Pastor Jorge Mata and La Iglesia Maranatha for nearly 30 years. This year the short-term mission team will look to work on several service projects on the church compound, lead a morning and afternoon session of Vacation Bible School for 70-100 children and some adults, and continue cultivating relationships with area families, youth, and adults through soccer and other activities.
CCPC reached out to CrossTraining last year and made a Timothy Project request. You can read about all they accomplished here. This year, they are requesting any t-shirts, shorts, jerseys, and soccer or basketball equipment that they can take down to enhance their ministry.
Pastor Chris Piehl commented on how the Timothy Project items helped impact their trip last year,
The items last year were a tremendous blessing to those we served. The children were so proud of the shirts they received the first day we were there and many wore them all week. We were able to play soccer constantly. Soccer is a great universal language when the Spanish/English language barrier exists.
Timothy Project: CCPC Juarez 2016 Request
T-shirts, shorts, and jerseys
Soccer and basketball equipment
If you would like to make a contribution to this project please note (Timothy Project: CCPC Juarez 2016) in your donation. Please use the Donate Now link to make a secure PayPal donation. Your financial gift helps CrossTraining to secure additional equipment and to cover associated costs of providing bibles, soccer balls and equipment, and other outreach tools.