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Timothy Project: Czech Republic Update

Timothy Project Futsal ballsThe Cherry Hills Community Church (CHCC) Czech Republic team starts soccer camp tomorrow (July 3) with their partner church Elim Evangelical Church (EEC). The camps are designed to give children an opportunity to start building a foundation with a relationship with Jesus Christ. Please pray for Greg Hubbard and the team as they build relationships. You can check out their blog for updates from the ministry trip:

Cherry Hills Community Church Timothy Project Pisek Czech Republic

Greg Hubbard (center) has been building relationships for years with the young men around Pisek through soccer.


You can still make a contribution to the Czech Republic team. Please note (Timothy Project: Czech Republic 2015) in your online donation. Use the Donate Now link to make a secure PayPal donation. Your financial gift will help offset the cost of the new soccer balls for the team.