Timothy Project: Forge Honduras 2016 Final Update
Forge sent two teams out this past summer on international mission and training trips. Their Timothy Project request was for a team to Honduras and a team to Mexico. This Timothy Project: Forge Honduras 2016 final update comes from the team that spent time in Santa Lucia, Copan, and Tegucigalpa. The team put into practice biblical training and team building that is part of Forge’s discipleship process designed to launch young people back into their local communities.
Forge representatives shared,
“The practice jerseys brought an amazing element to our time at a village in Santa Lucia, Honduras. Having the opportunity to engage those we were ministering to in sport opened relational and spiritual doors. The practice jerseys and cones helped us to use soccer to bridge the gap! In addition, the Rapids jerseys that we gave out as gifts were a HUGE hit. We blessed our hosts with them as gifts, and also passed some out to school children in the villages in Copan, Honduras. School administrators were so excited to be able to use them for their students.
One of the most amazing stories in Honduras was the opportunity we had to supply enough jerseys to field a team for our host, Stephen, in Tegucigalpa! His calling and ministry on the streets of Tegucigalpa is to build relationships with and eventually renew purpose and hope for the “glue boys.” The Glue Boys are young boys who are addicted to huffing shoe glue in attempts to stay warm. They are looking to escape the reality of their orphaned lifestyle and poor living conditions.Stephen has been trying to fundraise in order to purchaseuniforms for one of their ministry centers that house the older boys coming off the streets.
However, because jerseys were so expensive they didn’t think they’d be able to get any. Now, with the Rapids jerseys, they have enough uniforms to field more than two teams! This will provide an amazing asset to relationally engage the street kids they are called to minister to. Stephen said this was a huge and unexpected answer to prayer. Praise God!”
If you would like to support projects like this, please note (Timothy Project) in your donation. Please use the Donate Now link to make a secure PayPal donation. Your financial gift helps to secure additional equipment, sponsor a missionary or organization in an outreach effort, and to cover associated costs of providing bibles, soccer equipment, and other outreach tools. Your help goes to local and global projects!